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辅导课程:暑期集训 在线咨询
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  Online Shopping Addiction

  In the picture, a student is criticized by the teacher, because she is so addicted to online shopping that she ordered something during class.

  Today, it's very convenient to buy things on the Internet. If something can be bought with money, then there is a very big chance you can buy it online. Moreover, you can have the things you bought delivered right to your house. You no longer need to go out and search for things you want in real shops.

  In my opinion, though online shopping is good, we can't entirely rely on it. You don't see the goods with your eyes when you shop online, and you might get cheated. Besides, the online stores usually offer a very low price, and you might end up in buying things you don't really need. Last but not least, it's not healthy to spend too much time surfing on line. Good as it is, we must do online shopping properly.



  3.第二自然段的关键词有:convenient方便的,on the Internet在线,deliver递送,real shop实体店。

  4. 第三自然段的关键词有:entirely完全,rely on 依靠, get cheated受骗上当, end up到头来,properly正确地、合适地。


  The Importance of Information Security

  As we are living in the information age, we are readily accessible to information of our interests. Because of this, some people claim that it is important to protect the information security to ensure a healthier environment to spread information.

  This belief, however, is discarded by some others, because they regard information as something intangible and insignificant and there is no need to safeguard it. Information comes and goes: it is too transient to be kept in a safe box.

  As for me, I think the information security should be protected. First, a lot of information circulating around the Internet is associated with privacy. Once it is leaked out, it would be a detriment to the people concerned. Quite a few Internet-based financial frauds and losses result from the stolen private information Second, if we do not guarantee the accuracy of information, we would open a floodgate for exaggerated and even false messages. Ultimately, we will be confused as to what to believe and which source to trust. In light of these reasons, it is necessary to acknowledge the importance of information security.


  1. 标题里的importance可以试着替换成significance,这样用词会显得更加新颖,那么得分点也就多增加了一个。

  2. 第一自然段当中,information age信息时代,比age更加适合的词是era,表示一个持续性的、标志性的年代,而age往往更多和地质学概念挂钩,比如ice age是冰河世纪,stone age是石器时代。Readily便利地,这个词的理解应该脱离ready作为“准备”这个含义表达的限制。Be accessible to sth.也是一个表达上的亮点,表示“可访问”。Ensure保障。Spread information 传播信息。

  3. 第二自然段中,discard丢弃,regard…as…把…看作,intangible触摸不到的,safeguard保卫,transient短暂的,safe box保险箱。

  4. 第三自然段中,circulate around在周围流通、传播,be associated with与…相关联,privacy隐私, leak out 泄露出去,detriment损害, financial fraud这就是传说中的“金融诈骗”,in light of根据、鉴于。


  (跨考教育英语教研室 彭飞)

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班型 定向班型 开班时间 高定班 标准班 课程介绍 咨询
秋季集训 冲刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+专业课1对1+专业课定向辅导+协议加强课程(高定班)+专属规划答疑(高定班)+精细化答疑+复试资源(高定班)+复试课包(高定班)+复试指导(高定班)+复试班主任1v1服务(高定班)+复试面授密训(高定班)+复试1v1(高定班)
2023集训畅学 非定向(政英班/数政英班) 每月20日 22800起(协议班) 13800起 先行阶在线课程+基础阶在线课程+强化阶在线课程+真题阶在线课程+冲刺阶在线课程+专业课针对性一对一课程+班主任全程督学服务+全程规划体系+全程测试体系+全程精细化答疑+择校择专业能力定位体系+全年关键环节指导体系+初试加强课+初试专属服务+复试全科标准班服务


