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最后更新时间:2014-10-13 15:07:50
辅导课程:暑期集训 在线咨询
复习紧张,焦头烂额?逆风轻袭,来跨考秋季集训营,帮你寻方法,定方案! 了解一下>>


  1、Man lives in the world of ideas, and acts and reacts in terms of concepts about objects and organizations.

  解析:本句由and引导的简单的并列句,注意几个词组:in terms of根据,依据,按照。About关于….,切分意群:Man lives /in the world of ideas, and acts and reacts/ in terms of concepts /about objects and organizations.


  2、Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in response to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status.

  解析:children commit crimes in response to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status是从句,children是主语,commit宾语,in response to 状语。

  本句是宾语从句,难点在in response to后的翻译,切分意群:Theories focusing on the role of society/ suggest /that children commit crimes /in response to their failure /to rise above their socioeconomic status.需要大家来意译:


  3、It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all.

  解析:首先我们来切分意群:It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: / it invites you to think /that animals should be treated / either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or /with no consideration at all。


  1) it invites you to think that…后面是宾语从句。

  2) animals should be treated either with..., or with.。。要么……要么……,是表示选择的方式状语。

  3)the consideration后面的humans extend to other humans是定语。


  leads ...to extremes 引向极端

  at the outset 从一开始

  invites you to think 使人们认为

  consideration 关切,体谅

  humans extend to other humans 人对待人

  4、 Foreign-made cars and textiles were sweeping into the domestic market.


  5、 America's machine-tool industry was on the ropes.

  解析:on the ropes比喻为危险的意思。美国的及创业也岌岌可危。


班型 定向班型 开班时间 高定班 标准班 课程介绍 咨询
秋季集训 冲刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+专业课1对1+专业课定向辅导+协议加强课程(高定班)+专属规划答疑(高定班)+精细化答疑+复试资源(高定班)+复试课包(高定班)+复试指导(高定班)+复试班主任1v1服务(高定班)+复试面授密训(高定班)+复试1v1(高定班)
2023集训畅学 非定向(政英班/数政英班) 每月20日 22800起(协议班) 13800起 先行阶在线课程+基础阶在线课程+强化阶在线课程+真题阶在线课程+冲刺阶在线课程+专业课针对性一对一课程+班主任全程督学服务+全程规划体系+全程测试体系+全程精细化答疑+择校择专业能力定位体系+全年关键环节指导体系+初试加强课+初试专属服务+复试全科标准班服务


