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  With its almost six billion people,the world offers a fascinating variety of human shapes and colors.As humans spread throughout the world,their adaptations to diverse climate and other living conditions resulted in this fascinating variety of complexions,colors,and shapes.Genetic mutations added distinct characteristics to the peoples of the globe.In this sense the concept of race,a group with inherited physical characteristics that distinguish it from another group,is a reality.Humans do indeed come in a variety of colors and shapes.

  In two senses,however,race is a myth,a fabrication of the human mind.The first fabrication is the idea that any one race is superior to another.All races have their geniuses—and their idiots.Like language,no race is superior to another.Adolf Hitler‘s ideas were extreme.He believed that a superior race,called the Aryans,was responsible for the cultural achievements of Europe.They possessed the genetic stuff that made them inherently superior.Even many scientists of the time一not only Germany but throughout Europe and the United States—espoused the idea of racial superiority.Not surprisingly,they considered themselves members of the supposedly superior race!

  In addition to the myth of racial superiority,there is a second myth—that of the existence of a“pure”race.From the perspective of contemporary biology,humans show such a mixture of physical characteristics.that the“pure”races do not exist.Instead of falling into distinct types clearly separate from one another,human characteristics flow endlessly together.These minute gradations made arbitrary any attempt to draw definite lines.

  Large groupings of people,however,can be classified by blood type and gene frequencies.Yet even this arrangement does not uncover“race”。Rather,such classifications are so arbitrary that biologists and anthropologists can draw up listings showing any number of“race”。Ashley Montagu,a physical anthropologist,pointed out that some scientists have classified humans into only two“races”while others have found as many as two thousand.Montagu himself classified humans into forty“racial”groups.

  This is not meant to imply that the idea of race is a myth.That idea is definitely very much alive.It is firmly embedded in our culture,a social reality that we confront daily.Sociologist W.I.Thomas observed that“if people define situations as real,they are real in their consequences”。The fact that no race is superior or that biologically we cannot even decide how people should be classified into races is not what counts.What makes a difference for social life,rather,is that people believe these ideas,for people act on beliefs,not facts.As a result,we always have people like Hitler.Most people,fortunately,do not believe in such extremes,yet most people also appear to be ethnocentric enough to believe,at least just a little,that their own race is superior to others.

  1.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that the diversification of human race resulted from____.

  [A] both genetic inheritance and environmental influences

  [B] the differentiation of the inherited physical characteristics

  [C] humans‘ adaptations to diverse climate and other living conditions

  [D] genetic mutations alone

  2.The word“fabrication”(in the first sentence of the second paragraph)probably means____.

  [A] mystery

  [B] invention

  [C] exaggeration

  [D] perspective

  3.Why is there no“pure”race according to the passage?

  [A] Because people of different races often get married.

  [B] Because people have different blood types.

  [C] Because racial characteristics overlap.

  [D] Because there are so many races in the world.

  4.Any attempt at classifying races____.

  [A] is at best arbitrary

  [B] is bound to be biased

  [C] tends to pick out one race as superior

  [D] takes culture into account

  5.The author concludes the passage by pointing out that

  [A] it is hardly possible to classify humans into racial groups

  [B] we should be on our guard against any idea of racial superiority

  [C] race is indeed a mystery to be explored and uncovered

  [D] it is not important how people should be classified




  3.[C]根据第三、第四段,不存在“纯的”种族,这是因为人的身体特征是无法划归清楚的(flow endlessly together),任何想划一个清晰界限的做法都会证明是武断的。第四段还谈到不同的研究者对种族分类的多寡,这也是为了证明难以做到对种族进行清晰的分类。

  4.[A] 意为:至多是武断的。参阅第四段,尤其是该段第三句。



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