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辅导课程:暑期集训 在线咨询
复习紧张,焦头烂额?逆风轻袭,来跨考秋季集训营,帮你寻方法,定方案! 了解一下>>

  1、admonish(vt) give a mild but firm warning or scolding to sb 温和而严正的警告或责备某 人 ~ sb for/against sth

  The teacher admonished the boys or being lazy 老师责备男学生懒惰。

  (v)advise or urge sb seriously 劝告或告诫某人

  She admonished us to seek professional help 她劝我们向专业人士求助。

  ◎ admonishment 或 admonition(n)警告

  ◎ admonitory(adj)劝告的,轻责的

  ★ advise(v)recommend 劝告、忠告,建议 ~ sb against sth/doing sth ~ sb on sth

  The doctor advised me to take a complete rest。医生让我完全休息。

  (v)(尤用于商业)通知或告知某人 ~ sb of sth

  Please advise us of the dispatch of the goods 货物发出请通知我们。


  (习语)bide one’s time 等待有利时机

  ★ remain(v)(通常不用于进行时态)be left or still present after other parts have been removed or used or dealt with 剩下、剩余、遗留

  After the fire,very little remained of my house 火灾过后,寒舍所剩无几。

  (vi)be left to be seen,done,said 留待以后去看,去说,去做

  Much remains to be done 要做的事情还很多。

  (vi)(尤做庄重语)stay in the same place;stay behind 停留,逗留,留下

  I remain in Landon until May。我在伦敦一直待到五月。

  (v)continue to be;stay in the same condition 仍然是,保持不变

  He remained silent。他保持沉默。

  3、condone(vt)treat or regard an offence as if it were not serious or wrong;overlook;forgive 容 忍(过失),宽恕,原谅

  Not punishing them amounts to condoning their crime 不惩罚他们就等于纵容他们的罪行

  ★ excuse(vt)forgive or overlook a fault,etc;pardon sb/sth 宽恕或饶恕(过失等);原谅某人 某事物 ~ sb/sth for sth/doing sth

  Excuse me for being late。请原谅我来晚了。

  4、designate(vt)mark or point out sth clearly 清楚的标出或指出(某事物)

  designate the boundaries of sth 标出某事物的分界线

  (v)(尤用于被动语态)choose sb for a special purpose 为某目的选择某人某事物 ~ sb/sth as sth

  The town has been designated as a developing area 该城已被定为开发区。


  She was designated as sportswoman of the year 她被命名为本年度的体坛明星。

  ★ appoint(vt)choose sb for a job or position of responsibility 挑选某人做某工作或任某职位; 任命;委派 ~ sb to sth ~ sb as sth

  He was appointed to the vacant post 他被委派填补那空缺。

  5、fend(v)(短语搭配)fend for oneself 照顾自己;自谋生计;独立生活

  It is time you left home and leant to fend for yourself 你应该离家自立了。

  (短语搭配)fend sth./sb off 抵御或抵挡某事物、某人

  The minister had to fend off some awkward questions from reporters 部长需避开记者提 出的某些尴尬的问题。

  ★ defend(vt)protect sb/sth from harm;guard sb/sth 保护某人某物免受伤害;保卫某人某物 ~

  sb/sth from/against sb/sth

  When the dog attacked me,I defended myself with a stick 那狗扑向我时,我用棍子自卫。


  The newspaper defended her against the accusation 报纸为她辩护,驳斥对她的指责。

  6、hardy(adj)able to endure cold or difficult conditions;tough robust 耐寒的,能吃苦的;强壮的,坚强的;指植物可在冬天过冬的,耐寒的

  A few hardy people swam in the icy water 有几个不怕冷的人在冰冷的水里游泳。

  ★ robust(adj)vigorous;healthy and strong 有活力的,强健的

  a robust young man 身强力壮的青年小伙子

  (adj)(贬)not delicate or refined 粗野的、粗鲁的


  (短语搭配)limber up (运动等前)做准备活动,活动肢体

  I always do a few easy exercises to limber up before a match 我在比赛前总要做些简单的 准备活动

  ★ supple(adj -r -st)bent or bending easily;not stiff;flexible 易弯曲的,柔软的,灵活的

  She has a supple mind 她头脑灵活。

  8、philanthropy(n)concern for the welfare of mankind;benevolence 博爱,慈善,仁慈

  ◎ philanthropic(adj)博爱的,慈善的,仁慈的

  ★ charity(n)loving kindness towards other 慈善,慈悲,慈爱,仁爱

  (n)tolerance in judging other;kindness;leniency 宽容,宽厚,仁慈;

  (n)generosity in giving money,food,help,etc to the needy 施舍,布施,慷慨

  9、recollect(v)(不用于被动语态)succeed in calling sth back to the mind;remember 想起,记 得,回忆起

  As far as I recollect,you came late 我记得你来晚了。

  ★ recall(vt)order sb to return from a place (从某处)召回某人 ~ sb from…to…

  10、smite(v)(pt pp smote smitten )hit sb/sth hard;strike 重击(某人某事物);打

  He smote the ball into the grandstand 他把球打到看台上去了。


  His conscience smote him 他受到了良心的谴责。

  ★ affect(vt)have an influence on sb/sth;produce an effect on 影响

  The tax increases have affected us all 加税已经影响了我们大家。


  Cancer had affected his lungs 癌已侵及他的肺脏。

  11、testimony(n)written or spoken statement declaring that sth is true;esp one made under oath (书面或口头的)证词(尤指发誓后作出的)

  According to the witness’s testimony,you were present when the crime was committed 根据证人证词所示,案发时你在犯罪现场。


  The pyramids are testimony to the Ancient Egyptians engineering skills 金字塔是古埃及人工程技术精湛的丰碑。

  ★ proof(n)evidence that shows or helps to show,that sth is true or is a fact 证据,证物,证言

  What proofs have you that the statement is correct?你有什么证据证明这种说法是正确的么?

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班型 定向班型 开班时间 高定班 标准班 课程介绍 咨询
秋季集训 冲刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+专业课1对1+专业课定向辅导+协议加强课程(高定班)+专属规划答疑(高定班)+精细化答疑+复试资源(高定班)+复试课包(高定班)+复试指导(高定班)+复试班主任1v1服务(高定班)+复试面授密训(高定班)+复试1v1(高定班)
2023集训畅学 非定向(政英班/数政英班) 每月20日 22800起(协议班) 13800起 先行阶在线课程+基础阶在线课程+强化阶在线课程+真题阶在线课程+冲刺阶在线课程+专业课针对性一对一课程+班主任全程督学服务+全程规划体系+全程测试体系+全程精细化答疑+择校择专业能力定位体系+全年关键环节指导体系+初试加强课+初试专属服务+复试全科标准班服务


