
最后更新时间:2013-11-28 23:44:16
辅导课程:暑期集训 在线咨询
复习紧张,焦头烂额?逆风轻袭,来跨考秋季集训营,帮你寻方法,定方案! 了解一下>>


  Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then

  3) give your comments.

  You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)



  As is apparently depicted in the drawing, an aged woman is crossing a huge gap through a lied-down ladder. If we give it a closer watch, we can find that the gap that the woman is walking through is a generation gap. At both sides of the gap, stand, respectively, a young couple, startled and an aged man, encouraging his old wife to be brave.

  The purpose of the drawing is to show us that utmost importance should be attached to generation gap which is prevalent in the current society. At least two fundamental factors could contribute to the existence of this phenomenon. To begin with, people receive different education and form different outlooks of the world. The education children receive today is different from that of their parents, thus, conflict between parents and children seems unavoidable. In addition, lack of communication also accounts for the fact. On the one hand, being too much occupied with their work and personal affairs, younger generation offers no chance for the parents to communicate with them. On the other hand, many parents also fail to realize the importance of communication.

  The solution to the generation gap is communication. Fortunately, as the picture revealed, the aged generation has already taken the initiative towards the way to communication. It is high time that we, the youngsters, made our own contribution to the solution of this problem.





班型 定向班型 开班时间 高定班 标准班 课程介绍 咨询
秋季集训 冲刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+专业课1对1+专业课定向辅导+协议加强课程(高定班)+专属规划答疑(高定班)+精细化答疑+复试资源(高定班)+复试课包(高定班)+复试指导(高定班)+复试班主任1v1服务(高定班)+复试面授密训(高定班)+复试1v1(高定班)
2023集训畅学 非定向(政英班/数政英班) 每月20日 22800起(协议班) 13800起 先行阶在线课程+基础阶在线课程+强化阶在线课程+真题阶在线课程+冲刺阶在线课程+专业课针对性一对一课程+班主任全程督学服务+全程规划体系+全程测试体系+全程精细化答疑+择校择专业能力定位体系+全年关键环节指导体系+初试加强课+初试专属服务+复试全科标准班服务


