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1、 剑桥方程式 马歇尔、庇古 Pigou,A.C. , “The value of money” Quarterly Journal of Economics 32,Nov.38-56,1917
2、 模仿传染模型 Lux. T Lux.T, “Herd behavior, bubbles and crashes”, The Economic Journal, Vol. 105, pp 881-896, 1995
3、 托宾q效应 托宾 Tobin, “A general equilibrium approach to monetary theory”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, pp15-29, Feb. 1969
4、 消费的财富效应 莫迪利亚尼 Franco Modigliani, “Monetary Policy and Consumption”, in Consumer Spending and Money Policy: The Linkages (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 1971), pp9-84
5、 流动性偏好 凯恩斯 Kenyes,J.M.,1936,“The general theory of employment, interest rate and money” in the collected writings of John Maynard Keeynes,Vol.6 London :Macmillan,1971
6、 真实经济周期模型 基德兰德、普雷斯科特 Kydland,F.E.and Prescott,E.C.. “Time to build and aggregate fluctuations”, Econometrica 50(6),November:1345-70, 1982
7、 泰勒规则 泰勒 Taylor J., “Discretion versus policy rules in practice”, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Vol.39, 1993
8、 动态非一致性博弈模型 Kydland,F,E and Prescott,E.C. Kydland,F,E and Prescott,E.C. ,“Rules rather than discretion: the inconsistency of optimal plans”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.85, PP473, June 1977
9、 MCI Freedman, C Freedman, C ,“The use of indicators and the monetary conditions index in Canada” in Balino, T.J.T and Cottarelli,C eds. “Frameworks of monetary stability-policy issues and country experiments”, IMF, PP470, 1994
10、 跨期生活费用指数 Alchian和Klein Alchian, Klein “On a correct measure inflation”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Feb. 1973
11、 动态均衡物价指数 Shibuya Shibuya ,“Dynamic equilibrium price index: asset price and inflation”, Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, 10(1), 1992
12、 有弹性的通货膨胀目标 Ben Bernanke and Mark Gertler Ben Bernanke and Mark Gertler,“Monetary policy and asset price volatility”, in “New Challenge for Monetary Policy”, Jackson Hole, August 26-28,1999
13、 金融体系内在脆弱性假说 米什金 Minsky,H.“the financial instability hypothesis: a restatement ”帕77
14、 生命周期假说 (Life cycle hypothesis) 莫迪利亚尼、布伦伯格 Modigliani,F and brumberg, F ,1954, “ Utility analysis and the consumption function :an interpretation of cross-section data.in post-keynesian economics”, ed.K.K. Kurihara, New Brunswick: Rutgers university pressModigliani,F and brumberg, F 1954. “Utility analysis and aggregate consumption functions :an attempt at integration” in the collected papers of franco modigliani ,vol.2,the life cycle hypothesis of saving,ed.A.Abel, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press,1980:79-127
15、 流动性偏好 (Liquidity preference) 凯恩斯 Keynes,J.M. , 1937 ,“Alternative theories of the rate of interest”, Economic Journal 47, June : 241-52, in the general theory and after ;part 2 defence and development, collected writing of J.M. Keynes Vol.XIV, ed.D.E. Moggride, London: MacmllanKeynes,J.M. 1936, “The general theory of employment, interest and money”,.In collected writing of J.M. Keynes Vol.XII, ed. D.E. Moggride, London: Macmllan
16、 通货膨胀缺口 (Inflation Gap) 凯恩斯 Keynes, J.M 1940,”How to pay for the war”, Lodon” Macmillan. Reprinted in essays in persuadsion: The collected Writing of Jonh Mayynard Keynes Vol.IX, London Macmillan,1972
17、 IS-LM模型 希克斯,汉森 J.R.Hicks,1937,《凯恩斯先生与古典经济学:一个尝试性解释》,计量经济学年会
18、 银行的衍生存款理论(derivative deposit theory of banking) 詹姆斯.彭宁顿 “Observations on the private banking establishments of the metropolis: first memorandum to huskisson”, In Economic writings of James pennington, ed. R.S. sayers, London The London School of Economics and political Science, 1963
19、 金融加速因子 伯南克,哥特勒等 Ben Bernanke, Mark Gertler and Simon Gilchrist, “The financial accelerator in a quantitative business cycle framework”, NBER Working Paper 6455
20、 费雪效应 费雪 Fisher, I. 1930 “The theory of Interest” New York: Macmillan Company
21、 乘数理论 汉森 Hansen,A.H.1941 “business cycles and national income” New York: Norton
22、 “稳定黄金”法则
23 最优货币量学说 米尔顿.弗里德曼 Friedman,M.,1969, “The optimal quantity of money” in The optimum quantity of money and other essays, Chicag Aldine
24、 恒久性收入 弗里德曼 Friedman,M. 1957, “A theory of consumption function”, Princeton university Press
25、 鲍莫尔-托宾的存货理论 鲍莫尔、托宾 Baumol, W.J. 1952 “The transactions demand for cash: an inventory theoretic approach” , Quarterly Journal of Economics 66,Nov. 545-56Tobin, J. 1956 “The interest –elasticity of transactions demand for cash”, Review of economics and statistics 29, May :124-31
26、 理性预期模型 汉森、萨金特 Hansen, L. and Sargent ,T. 1981 “Linear rational expectations models for dynamically interrelated variables. In Rational Expectations and Econometric practice, ed. R.Lucas, Jr. and T. Sargent, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
27、 通货膨胀税
28、 金融结构 雷蒙德.W.戈德史密斯 《发达国家的金融结构与经济增长-关于金融形态的比较试验》,1955
29、 金融抑制金融深化 罗纳德·I·麦金农和爱德华·S·肖 《经济发展中的货币和资本》与《经济发展中的金融深化》The American Economic Review,1970s
30、 利率的期限结构模型 萨金特 Sargent, T. 1979, “A note on maximum likelihood estimation of the rational expectations model of the term structure”, Journal of Monetary Economics 5:133-43
31、 永久收入假设 克里斯蒂诺、艾肯鲍姆、马歇尔 Christensen,L., Eichenbaum ,M. and Marshall, D. 1911. “The permanent income hypothesis revisited”, Econometrica 59;397-424
32、 货币中性 (Neutrality of money) 哈耶克 Hayek,F.A. von. 1931 “Prices and production”, London: George Routledge
33、 货币交易方程式 费雪 Fisher,I.1911, “The purchasing power of money” ,2nd revised edn.1926; reprinted New York:Kelley,1963
34、 可贷资金理论
35、 流动性升水理论
36、 货币的替代效应
37、 哈恩难题


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