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  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments.

  You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.


  When answering the question of how to be a good actor, those from the 30s held the principle that one needed to learn how to be a man of integrity before acting, and those from the 60s thought it was most important to learn from life, while contemporary actors believe that the decisive factors include a pretty face and being good at publicity.

  From the picture, we can see clearly that the ethics of the entertainment circles have gone through a tremendous transformation since the 1930s. No doubt, the artist aims at criticizing this abnormal phenomena in the entertainment industry. It is quite surprising that currently, many actors and actresses do not earn their fame through hard work but scandals, particularly sexual ones. Acting ability is no longer the most important determinant of an actor‘s success, which has been replaced by personal appearance, figure, fashion, and other factors—all of which are superficial elements.

  Such a trend is definitely detrimental to long-range development of the industry and the

  actors‘ personality. The vogue may be translated into negatively impact on the young generation which composes a large portion of groupies. In my opinion, it is the common responsibility of government and the whole society to restore ethos of the 30s and 60s into the entertainment circles.



  从这幅图中,我们可以清楚地看到娱乐界的道德规范自从上个世纪30年代以来经历了巨大的变化。毫无疑问,画图者意在批评一个发生在娱乐圈的不正常现象。令人惊讶的是,现在许多演员不是通过努力工作来赢得名声,而是通过各种丑闻尤其是性丑闻。此外,演技不再是一个演员取得成功的重要决定因素,而是演员个人的外表、身材、时尚等,这些都是很肤浅的因素。 但是,这种趋势必然会对娱乐业和演员的个性发展产生长期的不利影响。而且这种风气可能会影响到年轻一代,他们大多都是明星的崇拜者。我认为,政府和社会应该共同承担起责任,使得30年代和60年代的风气重新回到演艺界。


  principle: n. 原则 integrity: n. 正直

  contemporary: adj. 当代的 decisive: adj. 决定性的 publicity: n. 媒体炒作 ethics: n. 道德规范

  entertainment circle: n. 娱乐界 go through: 经历 criticize: v. 批评

  abnormal: adj. 不正常的,反常的 scandal: n. 绯闻

  determinant: n. 决定因素 replace: 替代 figure: n. 身材

  vogue: n. 风气,时尚

  be translated into: 把„„转变成 compose: v. 组成 portion: n. 部分

  ethos: n. 道义,风气


  From the picture, we can see clearly that… No doubt, the artist aims at…

  Such a trend is definitely detrimental to a long-range development of…


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