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辅导课程:暑期集训 在线咨询
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  Text 2

  In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious associations. The Olympian athletic festival held every four years in honor of Zeus, king of the Olympian Gods, eventually lost its local character, became first a national event and then, after the rules against foreign competitors had been abolished, international. No one knows exactly how far back the Olympic Games go, but some official records date from 776 B.C. The games took place in August on the plain by Mount Olympus. Many thousands of spectators gathered from all parts of Greece, but no married woman was admitted even as a spectator. Slaves, women and dishonored persons were not allowed to compete. The exact sequence of events uncertain, but events included boy’s gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, horse racing and field events, though there were fewer sports involved than in the modern Olympic Games.

  On the last day of the Games, all the winners were honored by having a ring of holy olive leaves placed on their heads. So great was the honor that the winner of the foot race gave his name to the year of his victory. Although Olympic winners received no prize money, they were, in fact, richly rewarded by their state authorities. How their results compared with modern standards, we unfortunately have no means of telling.

  After an uninterrupted history of almost 1,200 years, the Games were suspended by the Romans in 394 A.D. They continued for such a long time because people believed in the philosophy behind the Olympics: the idea that a healthy body produced a healthy mind, and that the spirit of competition in sports and games was preferable to the competition that caused wars. It was over 1,500 years before another such international athletic gathering took place in Athens in 1896.

  Nowadays, the Games are held in different countries in turn. The host country provides vast facilities, including a stadium, swimming pools and living accommodation, but competing courtiers pay their own athletes’ expenses.

  The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, lighted on Mount Olympus by the sun’s rays. It is carried by a succession of runners to the stadium. The torch symbolized the continuation of the ancient Greek athletic ideals, and it burns throughout the Games until the closing ceremony. The well-known Olympic flag, however, is a modern conception: the five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all five continents participating in the Games.

  16. In ancient Greece, the Olympic Games ________.

  [A] were merely national athletic festivals

  [B] were in the nature of a national event with a strong religious colour

  [C] had rules which put foreign participants in a disadvantageous position(B)

  [D] were primarily national events with few foreign participants

  17. In the early days of ancient Olympic Games ________.

  [A] only male Greek athletes were allowed to participate in the games

  [B] all Greeks, irrespective of sex, religion or social status, were allowed to take part

  [C] all Greeks, with the exception of women, were allowed to compete in Games(A)

  [D] all male Greeks were qualified to compete in the Games

  18. The order of athletic events at the ancient Olympics ________.

  [A] has not definitely been established

  [B] varied according to the number of foreign competitors

  [C] was decided by Zeus, in whose honor the Games were held(A)

  [D] was considered unimportant

  19. Modern athletes’ results cannot be compared with those of ancient runners because ________.

  [A] the Greeks had no means of recording the results

  [B] they are much better

  [C] details such as the time were not recorded in the past(C)

  [D] they are much worse

  20. Nowadays, the athletes’ expenses are paid for ________.

  [A] out of the prize money of the winners

  [B] out of the funds raised by the competing nations

  [C] by the athletes themselves(B)

  [D] by contributions

  答案:16. [B]17. [A]18. [A]19. [C]20. [B]


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秋季集训 冲刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+专业课1对1+专业课定向辅导+协议加强课程(高定班)+专属规划答疑(高定班)+精细化答疑+复试资源(高定班)+复试课包(高定班)+复试指导(高定班)+复试班主任1v1服务(高定班)+复试面授密训(高定班)+复试1v1(高定班)
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